Terms of Service

♡ I reserve the right to decline any commission
♡ Please do not take credit for my work
♡ The payment must be sent in full after the drafting process
♡ My style does tend to change a bit every time I draw as I grow
♡ You may use the commission for personal use; like profile pictures for social media or posting to your twitter or sharing with your friends
♡ Using the commissioned piece as banner or profile picture for a business oriented network is not allowed unless you have purchased commercial rights to the commission. Selling, redistributing, or profiting off the commissioned artwork is also not allowed. If you wish to do this, please purchase the commercial use extra with the commission. This can be added on at any point in the process
♡ If you do not have an official reference for your character, but have something in mind you want me to draw, make sure you are not entirely basing it off someone else’s character as I do not wish to unknowingly plagiarize their work
♡ If for whatever reason, I cannot complete the commission, I will offer a full refund to the buyer
♡ By purchasing any artwork from me, you automatically accept the full Terms of Services

Commission Process

1. Drafting: 24hrs ~ 3 days
Provided the details, references, and your wishes, I will start a rough draft sketch of the art. Once the draft is finished, I will send you the draft for your approval to move on to the next step.
2. Scheduling
If there is a date you want the art finished by, please specify during the drafting process. If there is no date specified, I will take my time (usually 7~14 days depending on complexity).
3. Ordering
Once the draft has been submitted to you, you can add any changes or things you might want re-done. Once the payment has gone through however, you cannot change the art as it is in progress. (Some special exceptions may apply depending on situation) If you absolutely must have something changed late into the finishing of the piece, it will cost an bonus $5 because I have to go far back and change things in the drawing.
4. Payment: Max 7 days
I will ask for payment after the drafting process and once I receive the payment in PayPal USD or Venmo, I will begin to line, color, and finish the art. If payment is not received within 7 days, the commission sketch will be scrapped
5. Finalizing: 5 days ~ 3 weeks
Expect to see your art within a timely manner once payment has been confirmed. Finished pieces subject to change due to complexity or number of characters. Pieces with one character will usually take 7 days, full paintings will take 3 weeks
6. Shipping: 1 day
Please specify how you would best receive the finished piece. (ie: Google Drive, Email, Megasync, etc) A preview will always be sent through DMs as courtesy but it's highly recommended to pick one of the aforementioned options for highest quality.
Notes - I occasionally upgrade polished pieces into paintings when the inspiration for a piece strikes. This is a free upgrade.
Cancellation - If you decide you do not want to continue the commission after the draft process, your draft will be deleted. You may however keep any drafts sent to you. If you abuse this process for free draft art, you will be blacklisted. Cancellations after payment are not possible. Refunds (in full) will only be given if I cannot finish your commission


Full 20
Half 18

flat colors
little to no shading
sketchy, unfinished lines



shoulders up
full shading


10 ~ 20

price depends on complexity
full shading or none at client's discretion
pokemon, neopets, ponies, etc.


1 - 18
5 - 75 (15 per)
10 - 120 (12 per)

torso or shoulder up
full shading
can attempt to copy styles


Full 30
Half 25

lines may be stylistically sketchy
full shading
some simplifying of details may happen


starting at 40

always full body
fine lines
full shading
details preserved
extreme detailing

Ref Sheets

starting at 20

flat colors
little to no shading
expanded details available
starts with one figure
additional figures: $20 per
additional outfits: $10 per
constant detail check-ins: $30